Les Articles indéfinis - Indefinite Articles
The singular indefinite articles in French correspond to a, an, or one in English. The plural corresponds to some. There are three forms of the French indefinite article.
Masculin (مذكر): un
Examples: un garçon, un ami
Feminin (مؤنث): une
Examples: une fille, une amie
Plural (للمذكر والمؤنث): des
Examples: des garçons, des filles
Note that the plural indefinite article is the same for masculine and feminine nouns, whereas the singular has a different form for masculine and feminine.
Meaning and usage of the French indefinite article
1) The indefinite article usually refers to an unspecified person or thing
J"ai trouvé un livre - I found a book.
Il veut une pomme - He wants an apple.
2) The indefinite article can also refer to just one of something:
Il y a un étudiant dans la salle - There is one student in the room.
3) The plural indefinite article means some:
J"ai acheté des haricots verts - I bought some green beans.
Veux-tu des livres ? - Do you want some books?
4) When refering to a person"s profession, the indefinite is not used in French, although it is used in English. I know, I know, the exceptions never end. :
Je suis professeur - I am a teacher.
Il va être médecin - He"s going to be a doctor.
5) In a negative construction, the indefinite article changes to de, meaning any:
J"ai une pomme ==> Je n"ai pas de pommes.
I have an apple ==> I don"t have any apples.
This was my first lesson for those who are interested in learning the French language..
I hope that the lesson was clear enough to be understood easily